Kasutusjuhend Adler AD 1295 Veekeedukann

Kas vajate oma Adler AD 1295 Veekeedukann’i jaoks kasutusjuhendit? Allpool saate vaadata ja tasuta alla laadida eestikeelset PDF-juhendit. Sellel tootel on praegu 5 korduma kippuvaid küsimusi, 0 kommentaare ja 2 hääli keskmise tootehinnanguga 100/100. Kui see pole teie soovitud juhend, võtke meiega ühendust.

Kas teie toode on defektne ja kasutusjuhendist pole abi? Tasuta remonditeenused: Repair Café.



26. Do not use aggressive detergents to wash the kettle housing - they can damage the
kettle or remove the markings.
23. Never switch on kettle without water.
24. Never use kettle without filter or with open cover (automatic shutdown will not work).
lid. Do not open the lid during boiling in kettle or immediately after boiling, because steam
coming out of lid can cause burns.
21. Move the kettle only by holding it by handle..
22. Never fill kettle above MAX level and below MIN level. It may cause damage of kettle.
25. Descale your kettle regularly. Using kettle with heating element covered by scale may
cause damage.
4. Handle 5. Base 6. Mesh filter
7. Power knob / temperature control 8. Keep warm function indicator
27. The device is not designed to work with external schedulers or separate remote
control system.
Fill the kettle three times with water to the maximum level, boil and pour it. To remove any factory odor.
28. Do not wash the base of the kettle directly in the water, just wipe with a dry cloth.
29. Children aged 3 to 8 years old can enable and disable the device only when it is in its
normal position of use, they are supervised or instructed on the safe use and understand
the resulting risks. Children aged 3 to 8 years old can not connect device, operate, clean
or maintain.
1. Lid 2. LCD display 3. Housing
6. After the water boils, the kettle will automatically turn off, the knob (5) will turn red, you will hear the "di-di" sound twice.
1. Fill the kettle with water so that the water level is between the maximum and minimum levels on the water level indicator under the
handle (4).
2. Place the base (5) on a stable, flat and heat-resistant surface.
5. Press the knob (7), the knob will turn green, the display (2) will blink twice, indicating 100 , then the heater will start heating the
water, and the LCD display (2) will show the current water temperature . The water temperature will rise until it boils, i.e. up to 100 ° C.
7. To turn off the kettle before the water finish boiling, lift it off the base (5).
8. You can start the kettle again after approximately 2 minutes from the last use.
Put the kettle on the base (5), wait until you hear the "di-di" sound twice. Briefly press the knob (7), the knob will turn green, you will
hear a single "di" sound, turn the knob clockwise (or vice versa), the display (2) will show the temperature you choose 40 (or 50 /
60 / 70 / 80 / 90 ) and blinks three times remembering the setting of the selected temperature level. Then the display will
show the current water temperature inside the kettle. The kettle will stop boiling water when it reaches the selected temperature level of
40 (or 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 ), the knob (7) will turn red, you will hear the "di- di "sound twice.
4. Insert the power plug into the 220-240V ~ 50 / 60Hz power socket. Place the kettle on the base (5), the knob (7) will light red, wait
until you hear the "di-di" sound twice.
3. Remember to close the kettle with the lid (1) after filling, otherwise the kettle will not switch off automatically when the water boils.
9. When the device is not in use, the display (2) and knob (7) turn off lighting after 5 minutes.
Note: Only during this procedure, the keep warm function will be active. After removing the kettle from the base, the keep warm
function function settings will be reset.
Put the kettle on the base (5), wait until you hear the "di-di" sound twice. Press the knob (7) FOR 2 SECONDS until the icon (8)
appears on the display (2), the knob turns green and flashes, turn the knob clockwise (or counterclockwise), the display (2) will show
the temperature you choose 40 (or 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 ) and blink three times remembering the setting of the
selected temperature level. Then the display will show the current water temperature inside the kettle. The kettle will stop boiling water
when it reaches the selected temperature level of 40 (or 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 ), you will hear a single "di" sound, the
knob will turn red and will blink for 2 hours. Within 2 hours, the kettle will heat the water cyclically, constantly displaying the selected
temperature level to maintain. When the water temperature drops by 5 in relation to the selected temperature level of 40 (or 50
/ 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 ), the device will turn on automatically and heat it.
The device is equipped with an automatic fuse against overheating, the fuse will trip when the kettle was used with insufficient water.
Always make sure that the volume of water in the appliance is above the minimum level. If the fuse turns on, turn off the kettle by
pressing the knob (7), then remove the plug from the power socket and allow the kettle to cool for 5-10 minutes. Then fill the kettle with
water and turn on the device that will operate normally.
Eestikeelne juhendi allalaadimine (PDF, 2.17 MB)
(Mõelge keskkonna peale ja printige see kasutusjuhend välja ainult siis, kui see on tõesti vajalik)



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Tehnilised andmed

Kaubamärk Adler
Mudel AD 1295
Kategooria Veekeedukannud
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Korduma kippuvad küsimused Adler AD 1295 Veekeedukann kohta

Meie tugimeeskond otsib kasulikku tooteteavet ja vastuseid korduma kippuvatele küsimustele. Kui leiate meie korduma kippuvates küsimustes ebatäpsusi, andke sellest meile teada, kasutades kontaktivormi.

Milleks sõel minu veekeetjas on? Kontrollitud

Selle eesmärk on püüda kinni katlakivi, mis võib aja jooksul koguneda.

Sellest oli abi (409) Loe rohkem

Veekeetja ei lõpeta ja keeb edasi, mida ma peaksin tegema? Kontrollitud

Paljudel juhtudel ei olnud veekeetja kaas korralikult suletud. Kui soojusel lastakse välja voolata, jätkab veekeetja keemist. Kui see probleemi ei lahenda, võtke ühendust tootja või mehaanikuga.

Sellest oli abi (275) Loe rohkem

Kas ma saan keeta vähem kui minimaalne kogus vett? Kontrollitud

Ei. Kui keedetakse vähem kui minimaalne veekogus, võib temperatuuriandur tõrkuda. See võib takistada veekeetja keemistemperatuuril väljalülitamist, mis võib põhjustada ohtlikke olukordi.

Sellest oli abi (119) Loe rohkem

Kas ma saan keeda rohkem kui lubatud kogus vett? Kontrollitud

Ei. Kui keedetakse rohkem kui lubatud kogus vett, võib veekeetja üle voolata. See võib põhjustada ohtlikke olukordi.

Sellest oli abi (76) Loe rohkem

Kas veekeetja täitmine kraanist kuuma veega on tõhus? Kontrollitud

Ei. Selleks, et kraanile sooja vett saada, on sageli vaja kõigepealt külma vett välja lasta, mis läheb raisku. Samuti täidavad torud sama palju kuuma vett, mida ei kasutata, ja jahtuvad, mis toob kaasa energiakadu. Seetõttu on parem täita veekeetja külma veega.

Sellest oli abi (76) Loe rohkem
Kasutusjuhend Adler AD 1295 Veekeedukann

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