Before use of the aplliance and accessories for the rst time, thoroughly clean the parts that come into contact with food.
Before switching on the appliance, make sure the speed selector is at the “0” position and then attach the beater or dough hook.
4) Usage
Choose appropriate beater or dough hooks, and then put them into the mixer (see: PICTURES, Pic. 2 or Pic. 3).
Beater is suitable for mixing liquid mixtureand dough hooks apply to knead the dough.
NOTICE: When attaching beater and dough hooks please mind teeth gear marking around inserting hole. The beater/dough hook with gear should be allways inserted into the
marked insert hole (See: PICTURES, Pic. 4.
By pushing the stand lock button of the base, the stand can be lifted up and the bowl can be placed on the rotator of the base. By re-pushing the button, the stand can be
placed down and locked. (See: PICTURES, Pic. 5)
Turn the speed selector to 0 position (See: PICTURES, Pic. 6) and put the mixture into the bowl, and then plug in device in the power supply.
Position the hand mixer correctly on the stand and slightly press down until you hear click (see: PICTURES, Pic. 7).
Turn the speed selector to your desired setting. The appliance will start working and the speed will achieve the highest speed if the turbo button is pressed at any time
except at the 0 position.
The maximum continuous use should not exceed 5 minutes and minimum 10 minutes rest time must be maintained between two consecutive cycles.
When kneading dough it is recommended to use rst a low speed and then use higher speed to achieve the best results.
Uniform eect can be achieved only when bowl is rotating.
When mixing is completed, turn the speed selector to 0 position and unplug the cord from the power outlet.
Push the stand lock button and raiseup the hand mixer (see: PICTURES, Pic. 8).
Before ejecting the beataers or dough hooks the speed button has to be allways on 0 position.
Before adding or taking out from the bowl any ingridients please make sure that the device is turned o (speed selector on 0 position) and that the hand mixer is in lifted
When using only the mixer unit (without stand) make sure that it is allways positioned down, towards working surface. In contrary, it can cause serious injuries.
5) Cleaning
Unplug the appliance and wait for it to completely cool down before cleaning.
Wipe over the outside surface of the hand mixer with a dampened cloth and polish with a soft dry cloth.
Wipe any excess food particles from the power cord.
Wash the beaters and dough hooks in warm soapy water and wipe dry.
Caution: Do not put any other parts into the dishwasher to clean except the beaters and dough hooks.
Before the storage the device needs to be completely dry.
6) Troubleshooting
No. problem Failure analysis Solution
1 Device does not work. 1. Not plugged in.
2. Standlifted.
3. Major malfunction.
1. Plug into the power supply and switch on.
2. Lower the stand.
3. Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service
center for repair.
2 Accessory cannot be
Accessory is not aligned or positioned
Find the right connection position of accessory and then attach, check if the cog matches the
correct insert hole.
3 Hand mixer cannot be
attached to the stand.
Hand mixer is not aligned or positioned
Find the right connection position of hand mixer and then attach, check if the cogs are match-
4 SS bowl cannot be
The bottom of bowl is not aligned with
the base.
Reposition the bowl in the same direction as device base and lock it.
5 Dough can not be
Wrong accessory used;
the dough mixture is not appropriate.
Use dough hook and adjust speed according to user manual.
Faleminderit për zgjedhjen e produkteve Delimano!
Delimano sjell nje varg të ri te enëve te gatimit të nje cilësise te madhe dhe jane projektuar për të siguruar nje eksperience të shëndetshme, të shshme dhe të kënaqshme gatimi
(përgatitjen, gatimin dhe konsumin e ushqimit), duke inkurajuar pasion dhe kenaqesine për gatim pa marrë parasysh nivelin e aftësive te gatimit. Gatoni. Festoni. Çdo ditë.
Te gjitha produktet delimano jane shume te kerkueshme dhe per kete arsye fallsikatoret parapelqejne te na kopjojne produtet tona dhe te abuzojne me klientet me kete gje. Ju
lutem raportoni
cdo fallsikim
[email protected] ne men
qe te na
ndihmoni te luftojme
kunder fallsikatoreve.
Delimano Joy Hand Mixer with Bowl – Manual perdorimi
Ju lutemi lexoni këtë manual tërësisht para përdorimit dhe ruajeni atë për referencë në të ardhmen.
1. Para perdorimit kontrolloni që tensioni ne mur i korrespondon at të treguar në pajisje.
2. Mos punoni me një kabllo të dëmtuar apo spine, ose në gjendje avarie. Nëse kordoni i saj
kryesor është i dëmtuar, ai duhet të zëvendësohet nga prodhuesi, agjenti më i afërt i shërbi
mit ose një person i kualikuar.
3. Para përdorimit, vendosni produktin në sipërfaqe të fortë, të sheshtë, të qëndrueshme dhe
të thatë.
4. Mos e lini pajisjen te pambikëqyrur, ndërsa ajo është duke punuar.
5. Stakojeni nga priza, ndërsa ajo nuk është në përdorim, para grumbullimit, c’montimit apo
Liituge selle toote teemalise vestlusega
Siin saate jagada, mida arvate Delimano LB3109A Käsimikser kohta. Kui teil on küsimusi, lugege esmalt hoolikalt kasutusjuhendit. Kasutusjuhendit saab taotleda kasutades meie kontaktivormi.