Kasutusjuhend Skil 0745 AA Hekilõikur

Kas vajate oma Skil 0745 AA Hekilõikur’i jaoks kasutusjuhendit? Allpool saate vaadata ja tasuta alla laadida eestikeelset PDF-juhendit. Sellel tootel on praegu 4 korduma kippuvaid küsimusi, 0 kommentaare ja sellel on 0 hääli. Kui see pole teie soovitud juhend, võtke meiega ühendust.

Kas teie toode on defektne ja kasutusjuhendist pole abi? Tasuta remonditeenused: Repair Café.



Two-hand safety switch 9
Prevents the tool from being switched on accidentally
- switch on the tool by pressing both switch B and
switch C
- switch o the tool by releasing either switch B or
switch C
Operating the tool
! starttrimmingonlywhenmotorisrunning
! donotcutgroundcoveringplantsinorderto
! donotoverloadthetoolbycuttingstemslarger
- move tool away from cutting area before switching o
! afterswitchingoffthetoolthebladescontinueto
Blade tip protector F 2
- prevents kickback of the tool when solid objects (such
as fence posts or house walls) are touched
- protects the end blades from damage
Trimming hedges 0
- trim the sides of the hedge rst (from the bottom
upwards), then cut the top
- trim the side of a hedge in such a way that it will be
slightly narrower at the top
- use a hand saw or pruning shears to cut thicker branches
Holding and guiding the tool
- hold the tool rmly with both hands and take a secure
! whileworking,alwaysholdthetoolatthe
- guide the tool ahead of you
- always ensure that the extension cord is guided away
from the work area
- start trimming near the mains socket and move away
while working
For trimming a hedge at a uniform height level
- fasten a piece of string along the length of the hedge
at the desired height
- trim the hedge just above this string
Recommended cutting/trimming times (Western Europe)
- trim hedges with deciduous leaves in June and
- trim evergreen hedges in April and August
- trim conifers and other fast-growing shrubs every 6
weeks from May until October
This tool is not intended for professional use
Keep tool, cord and cutting blades clean
! disconnecttheplugbeforecleaning
- clean the tool with a damp cloth (do not use cleaning
agents or solvents)
- clean ventilation slots G 2 regularly with a brush or
compressed air
- after use, always carefully clean and lightly lubricate
the cutting blades
! weargloveswhenhandlingorcleaningthe
Regularly check the condition of the cutting blades and
the tightness of the blade bolts
Regularly check for worn or damaged components and
have them repaired/replaced when necessary
Sharpening the cutting blades
! disconnecttheplugbeforesharpening
- sharpen the cutting blades with a small and smooth
le, in case a solid object damaged them
- we advise you, however, to have the blades sharpened
by a specialist
- lubricate the cutting blades after sharpening
Storage @
- securely mount storage rail H on the wall with 4 screws
(notsupplied) and horizontally leveled
- use blade cover J when storing the tool
- before storing the tool, wipe o the cutting blades with
an oil-soaked rag to prevent corrosion
If the tool should fail despite the care taken in
manufacturing and testing procedures, repair should be
carried out by an after-sales service centre for SKIL
power tools
- send the tool undismantled together with proof of
purchase to your dealer or the nearest SKIL service
station (addresses as well as the service diagram of
the tool are listed on www.skil.com)
The following listing shows problem symptoms, possible
causes and corrective actions (if these do not identify
and correct the problem, contact your dealer or service
! switchoffthetoolanddisconnecttheplugbefore
Motor does not start or stops suddenly
- power supply socket faulty -> use another socket
- plug not connected -> connect plug
- extension cord damaged -> replace extension cord
Tool operates intermittently
- extension cord damaged -> replace extension cord
- internal wiring defective -> contact dealer/service
- on/o switch defective -> contact dealer/service station
Motor runs but blades remain stationary
- internal fault -> contact dealer/service station
Cutting blades hot
- cutting blades blunt -> have blades sharpened
- cutting blades have dents -> have blades inspected
- too much friction due to lack of lubricant -> lubricate
(only for EU countries)
- in observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on
waste of electric and electronic equipment and its
implementation in accordance with national law,
electric tools that have reached the end of their life
must be collected separately and returned to an
environmentally compatible recycling facility
- symbol # will remind you of this when the need for
disposing occurs
Eestikeelne juhendi allalaadimine (PDF, 7.22 MB)
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Siin saate jagada, mida arvate Skil 0745 AA Hekilõikur kohta. Kui teil on küsimusi, lugege esmalt hoolikalt kasutusjuhendit. Kasutusjuhendit saab taotleda kasutades meie kontaktivormi.

Lisateavet selle juhendi kohta

Mõistame, et on tore, kui teil on teie Skil 0745 AA Hekilõikur jaoks paberjuhend. Juhendi saate alati meie veebisaidilt alla laadida ja ise printida. Kui soovite originaaljuhendit, soovitame võtta ühendust ettevõttega Skil. Nad võivad anda originaaljuhendi. Kas otsite oma Skil 0745 AA Hekilõikur kasutusjuhendit mõnes muus keeles? Valige meie kodulehelt oma eelistatud keel ja otsige mudelinumbrit, et näha, kas see on meil saadaval.

Tehnilised andmed

Kaubamärk Skil
Mudel 0745 AA
Kategooria Hekilõikurid
Faili tüüp PDF
Faili suurus 7.22 MB

Kõik Skil Hekilõikurid kasutusjuhendid
Veel Hekilõikurid käsiraamatuid

Korduma kippuvad küsimused Skil 0745 AA Hekilõikur kohta

Meie tugimeeskond otsib kasulikku tooteteavet ja vastuseid korduma kippuvatele küsimustele. Kui leiate meie korduma kippuvates küsimustes ebatäpsusi, andke sellest meile teada, kasutades kontaktivormi.

Kuidas ma tean, et mu hekilõikur on nüri? Kontrollitud

Kui lõikamise asemel tõmmatakse oksi, on hekilõikur nüri ja vajab teritamist.

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Kuidas ma saan oma hekilõikuri teri teritada? Kontrollitud

Hekilõikuri terade teritamine on tööriista jõudluse ja tõhususe säilitamiseks oluline. Terade teritamiseks vajate viili või terituskivi, mis on spetsiaalselt ette nähtud teie hekilõikuri teratüübi jaoks.

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Kuidas ma saan oma hekilõikuri labasid määrida? Kontrollitud

Hekilõikuri terade määrimine aitab vähendada hõõrdumist ja kulumist, pikendades tööriista eluiga. Kasutage kvaliteetset määrdeõli, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud hekilõikurite jaoks ja kandke pärast iga kasutuskorda väike kogus teradele.

Sellest oli abi (80) Loe rohkem

Kuidas vältida rooste tekkimist oma hekilõikuri teradele? Kontrollitud

Rooste võib kahjustada teie hekilõikuri teri, vähendades nende jõudlust ja eluiga. Rooste vältimiseks puhastage ja kuivatage lõiketerad põhjalikult pärast iga kasutamist ning hoidke neid kuivas ja puhtas kohas. Samuti võite kaaluda teradele enne nende hoiustamist kaitsva katte (nt õli või roostetõkkeaine) kandmist.

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Kasutusjuhend Skil 0745 AA Hekilõikur

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